I loved the book, it was so emotional, I thought things like - "Is Eden ME?" , "Is this book written about my life?" I related to her and her situation so much and she seemed to think in the exactly same way I think, even in very small details! The book felt so nostalgic to me because it made me think of things that have happened to me and it brought it all back.
The book is about how a friendship can break down and everything can completely change as we get older and it can be totally heart breaking and destroys the self-esteem and mental health of teenagers. It made me sympathise for the characters and it also made me feel less alone in things that had happened to me in my friendships the past.
I enjoyed how the narrative is shared between Eden and Ryan, the two main characters. I like books written in this way because it breaks it up and I like hearing different characters' points of view, it makes it feel balanced. I loved reading the visual descriptions too, as I always do in the CC books, they always give me great ideas for craft projects.
It was so shocking too, I've never had a shock like that in a book for a long time! It was shocking enough for me to even be a bit confused about what had actually happened and I even had to flip back in the book to double check what had previously happened, I could not believe my eyes!
It was a great book and it already feels like a special book to me because I related to it so much. I know I will re-read it again and again and I will try to make some paper cranes! I'm also looking forward to hopefully going to the Broken Heart Club event at the local Book Festival this summer.
Here is a picture I drew of Eden (after makeover!!)

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