Saturday, 16 July 2016

A Library of Lemons by Jo Cotterill

I was excited to read A Library of Lemons because it had been recommended to me. I got it from my library as a brand new book. I loved the beginning section of the book, with it's book and literary references, especially the Anne of Green Gables references because I'm a huge fan of those books. I really thought Calypso and Mae were like a modern-day recreation of Anne and Diana which made me smile and excited! I am now reading Black Beauty after Calypso was reading it and I have never read it, so there are book recommendations in it too!! I love books so it was perfect for me.

I enjoyed the friendship between Calypso and Mae and I was so happy Calypso had made a friend who understood her and shared her interests in books because I know it can be difficult to find a friend who appreciates books too!

I felt really sad for Calypso with her relationship with her grief stricken father. The book was really good at conveying the empty, sad and cold feeling of their house and her own feelings.

I thought the lemons theme in the book was so different to any other book I've read and made it really interesting. The book was easy to read and I really enjoyed it.

I just wish I had found out more of what happened with the social services and how else they helped Calypso and her father. I kind of thought they could have done more to help but I suppose it was probably at appropriate level for a childrens' book.
This is a great book for anyone who loves books and I will definitely look forward to her next book.

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